Tank design options


There are two key stormwater attenuation solutions within the Tubosider range of products, Singlestore and Twinstore. If you are design a single run of pipe solution around a building or a standard rectangular tank then Singlestore is a good solution as it stores all of the water within the pipe work.

If the site is very tight and you are looking to minimise the footprint of the tank, then Twinstore will give you the best solution as it is installed with a single size stone to store part of the volume .

The decision to choose either Singlestore or Twinstore is always site-specific, so please feel free to contact us directly to discuss your specific design and commercial requirements, details are below.


Tubosider provide a soakaway solution, a perforated pipe wrapped in a geotextile. Soakaways can be designed as a standard tank layout or as a vertical soakaway chamber.

The decision to choose either Singlestore, Twinstore or Soakaways is always site-specific, so please feel free to contact us directly to discuss your design and commercial requirements, details are below.

Paul Wagnell
Business Development Manager UK
T: 01744 452900 | M: 07963 019815

Design Support
T: 01744 452900

Design your tank