Hints & tips


This tool kit has been developed to help engineers design a value engineered solution incorporating all the unique design features that Tubosider products have to offer.

Tubosider products are design in line with BD1201 , the default setting for the design is H/A loading that is a 10 ton wheel load, 44 ton vehicle and 60 year design life. There are notes on the tank designer TAB regarding landscape areas and reinforced concrete slab surface finish.

There are schemes which require a greater design life, this presents no problem, we have designed many schemes to 120 year design life, in fact this is mandatory for the Highways England schemes which we work on.

If you require a greater design life or non-standard loadings, pleaseĀ contact us.

Think outside the box

One of the great aspects of our product is its design flexibility. Traditionally, attenuation tanks have been designed as a rectangle or square shape, however we have seen a large increase in engineers designing our product as a single run of pipe to collect roof drainage and surface water drainage into one system.

This type of design has significant commercial/program benefits, so running a single pipe around 2, 3 or 4 sides of a building is well worth exploring.

Reduce the cost

The larger the diameter the pipe, the more cost effective the tank will be. We manufacture a competitive thirty different diameters, ranging from 600mm to 3.6m diameter and every 100mm increment in between. However there are four optimum sizes to work with for the absolute leanest design; these are 1400, 1800, 2400 and 2800.

See a couple of example plans below. Click the images to zoom in.

View tank design options